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Autism Care Services in Leicester and Leicestershire

Autism Care Services & Support in Leicester & Leicestershire by Aspire UK

Perceiving the world as an autistic person can feel very different from those around you. It might be a lonely experience when the world around you is full of misunderstandings surrounding autism. Finding your way through a world that doesn’t seem designed for you can feel like walking through a hallway of locked doors without a key but, with our dedicated Autism care services and autism care assistants in Leicester & Leicestershire, we are here to open those doors for good and support you in navigating through them every step of the way.

Aspire UK provide specialist autism care services in the Leicester and Leicestershire area with the goal of bringing a sense of comfort and familiarity to the challenges of day to day life. Our qualified care assistants and registered nursing staff understand the importance of routine and low stimuli to foster a relaxed and happy environment for people with autism and are available to provide consistent emotional support to help individuals live more independently and achieve their personal goals.

Person-centred autism care support

Autism, also referred to as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is referred to as such because it presents itself in a wide range of severities. Every person is unique, with different goals and aspirations, and challenges they’d like to manage or overcome. This is why Aspire UK take a person-centred approach to autism support. We customise our care plans to suit the individual needs and goals of every person in our care and can adapt and change these plans when necessary over time as goals change. We are a safe space and a helping hand.

The ability to receive autism support in your own home brings a sense of comfort and familiarity unparallel to many other forms of support. Our team are dedicated to assisting individuals in building confidence in their daily routines, hobbies, and social situations. Our compassionate care workers are always here for you, available from as little as 1-hour per day to 24/7 live-in care.

More About Our Autism Care Services & Support in the Leicester & Leicestershire Area

On this page, we want to break down any misconceptions around autism, tell you more about home care for autism support, the Aspire UK approach to care, and how our 20+ years of experience makes us a provider of choice when looking for specialist care. If you or a loved one are looking for live-in or at-home autism support services, contact our team today.

Aspire UK home care

What is autism?

Autism is a broad term for a complex developmental disability that can range greatly in severity from person to person. Because of this, daily life can look very different from person to person. For some, the challenges of autism can have a huge impact on activities many people take for granted, which is why autism support can be such a life-changing tool.

Autism is typically characterised by the following:

Difficulty in social situations

Autism can typically manifest itself through underdeveloped social skills. An autistic person may find it difficult to assess social cues and situations. It can be challenging to understand the complex rules of communication or know when a person is telling a joke or using an idiom. A person with autism might be perceived as blunt or rude when their intention is very different. This can lead to issues with communication, from limited use of words to complete nonverbal communication when uncomfortable.

Having a familiar person of care by their side can make a huge difference to an autistic person’s confidence in social situations, campaigning on their behalf when it feels overwhelming, and encouraging them to enjoy the benefits of building a caring and understanding social circle.

Unusual tolerance to sensory stimuli

A person with autism may find themselves overly sensitive and/or under-sensitive to sensory stimuli which can make it challenging to navigate through today’s world. Their response to sight, taste, smell, sound, touch and even temperature can be quite drastic, or very internal. When a lot of senses are firing all at once, it can feel like too much information to process and can result in an autistic person experiencing sensory overload, causing high levels of stress and anxiety, even manifesting itself as physical pain.

Navigating through these difficult and often frightening situations can feel like far too much alone. A familiar care worker by their side can provide a sense of security in overly stimulating situations. Having someone with them to watch out for potential triggers, help them traverse through distress and meltdowns, or maintain a calming environment can make the world of difference, and help an autistic person find more enjoyment in life and new experiences.

Repetitive behaviour

Repetitive behaviour in autistic people can manifest in a number of ways, from physical to phycological. For some, these activities can hinder daily life and productivity if it becomes obsessive or compulsive. However, when regulated, these behaviours can be a self-soothing source of structure, providing relaxation and enjoyment that helps them to cope with day-to-day life.

An autistic person can show repetitive behaviour through bodily movements such as jumping, headbanging, rocking or spinning to name a few, this is commonly referred to as self-stimulating behaviour.

Special interests are also commonly associated with autism, where a person will exhibit a focused fixation on a hobby, topic or object that brings them comfort, joy, and structure. Sharing these interests with a person of care by your side can be a huge source of happiness, having someone there to listen and take interest in something so dear to them can build confidence and establish an anchor of comfort in stressful situations.

The Aspire UK approach to autism care & support

Specialist autism services
in Leicester & Leicestershire

A person with autism can feel isolated from the rest of the world when someone isn’t there to take the time to understand their unique perception. Having autism is not an illness, and has no ‘cure’, autistic people deserve to find ways to navigate through life in ways that are comfortable to them. At Aspire UK we take pride in hiring fully trained compassionate care staff who are dedicated to supporting individuals on their journey of independence with autism.

Every autistic person is different, which is why our team take the time to develop a tailored care plan that focuses on their personal interests and goals. We focus our support on the person, not just the condition. Our approach has allowed us to become a trusted home care provider in the Leicestershire area.

Many family carers suffer from stress and confusion, struggling to keep up with the needs of a loved one who requires autism support. This is where the Aspire UK team step in; to deliver the care that your loved one needs while also reducing your stress.

Autism Care Resources

Aspire UK home care

FAQs about autism support

Autism is not an illness, so there is no cure. Autism simply means that the brain functions in a different way. With compassionate understanding and the right tools to navigate life, people with autism can thrive happily in life.

There are a number of organisations that offer autism support. We recommend the National Autistic Society which has amazing local groups all across the country. You can also get more support from Adult Social Care and/or your local GP.

Living day-to-day life with autism can feel overwhelming at times. Caring for a loved one with autism can be difficult to navigate alone. People with autism may need extra support to help them navigate everyday activities with confidence.

We offer tailored care, ranging from Waking night to Sleeping In services. We know that people in need of autism support have varying needs and personalise our services to suit you and your family.

We offer tailored care, ranging from one day per week to live-in care. We know that people that require autism support services have varying needs, and we personalise our care plan to suit you and your family.

The cost of care depends on your unique circumstances and how often care support is required. For information about the cost of care, speak with our team.

We are based in Leicester and mainly work with families across Leicester and Leicestershire.

Looking for autism support
services in Leicester or

The Aspire UK team offer personalised care for people in need of autism support, in the comfort of their own homes. If your loved one could benefit from care at home, contact a friendly member of our expert team today.

What our clients say about us

Home Care Services/Domiciliary Care for your loved ones

We want to make a difference in your loved one’s life and help them stay living in their own home. If you require home care services in Leicester and the surrounding county of Leicestershire, we invite you to download our brochure and book a free consultation.

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