Aspire UK Care Quality Commission good rating

Help at Home Leicester &

Remain independent and safe in the
comfort of your own home.

Home Help across Leicester & Leicestershire

At Aspire UK, we know that staying at home is a priority for many of our clients. That’s why we offer help at home services across Leicester and Leicestershire, also known as domiciliary care and home care services, so that you can remain in the comfort and familiarity of your own home. With old age or a medical condition, living at home can become challenging or risky. Our care staff will help you to be as independent as possible while also staying safe.

At Aspire UK, we know that staying at home is a priority for many of our clients. That’s why we offer help-at-home (also known as domiciliary care) services across Leicester and Leicestershire so that you can remain in the comfort and familiarity of your own home. Our team will ensure you areas independent as possible while staying safe.

Home Care tailored to your needs and goals

We recognise that everyone has unique goals and priorities. Our help at home services are tailored to your needs- what makes you happy? How can we help you to accomplish your goals? How can we make things safer, easier or more comfortable for you at home?

We can help you to be safe, accomplish your goals and make sure that you are comfortable in your own home.

Our staff are qualified and experienced, but more importantly, they are compassionate and approachable. We cater to all ages, conditions and situations, helping you to live at home and access the community. Consistency is also an important part of care. Regular staff changes can be confusing or overwhelming. At Aspire, we strive to offer consistent care and know the importance of having a familiar carer. Many of our clients regard their care worker as a friend, and then a part of their family.

Aspire UK home care

What our clients say about us

Home Care Services/Domiciliary Care for your loved ones

We want to make a difference in your loved one’s life and help them stay living in their own home. If you require home care services in Leicester and the surrounding county of Leicestershire, we invite you to download our brochure and book a free consultation.

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Care at Home Brochure

Enter your details below to download our brochure and read more about how we can support you and your loved ones to remain safe, happy and well cared for in the comfort of their own home.