Questions To Ask a Home Care Services Agency

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Are you trying to decide on a home care service for yourself or a loved one? So far this process may have been a little daunting. There are many different providers to choose from, and it can be hard to tell from their websites which one will be the right choice for you and your family.

If you are researching or chatting to a home care agency, like Aspire UK, we recommend asking them a wide range of questions. This will help clarify your thinking and give you peace of mind before you sign any dotted lines.

Below, see the top 12 questions we recommend, ranging from pay matters to staffing decisions, and some relevant considerations.

For personalised advice, contact our team at Aspire UK today.

12 Questions for Home Care Agencies

If you are reading this, you may have decided on in-home care for yourself or a family member. This service may involve assistance with daily living tasks, medical management, companionship or overall well-being, all within the comfort and familiarity of a home environment.

Home care agencies like Aspire UK can be found in a number of ways, including through the NHS website or local authorities. You may be arranging and paying for this service, or you may be eligible for recommendations and financial support from your local council.

Eitherway, you will have at least one meeting, preferably a face-to-face consultation, with the agency or agencies of your choice. This is your opportunity to really get to know and understand how they work, from their overall values to their day-to-day procedures.

1. How Would You Describe the Culture and Values of Your Agency?

This big-picture question should give you a useful overview of what the agency does, how long they’ve done it for, and why the work matters to them. More detailed questions may include: how do your values inform staffing decisions? And what are the values of the current manager?

2. What Will I Be Expected to Pay?

This is an important one. Make sure you understand not only the standard fees and services involved, but any additional services that may require an extra charge, such as services on weekends or bank holidays.

3. Do You Have a Standard Contract I Can Read Before I Sign My Own?

It’s also important to understand the paperwork involved and look for any inconsistencies. If a local council is contributing to your care, ask if you can see a copy of the care and support plan between the council and the agency.

4. Is Your Agency Regulated and Insured?

Some specific questions may include: is the agency and/or its care workers regulated, and by who? What type of insurance does the agency have, and does it cover the agency and clients, or just the agency?

5. How Do You Find, Screen and Recruit Care Workers?

It’s also likely you have a number of questions around staffing. These may include whether care workers are required to have a minimum amount of experience or references, or if the agency does background checks.

6. What Sort of Training Do They Receive on The Job?

Specific questions here may include: what are your training procedures and policies, and how often are they reviewed? What type of training or qualifications do staff acquire on the job? Who undertakes this training?

7. Will My Family Member or I Have A Regular Care Worker?

All agencies should ensure consistency of care and tailored support for clients and their families. Determine the type of care you will need, the hours of care that may be required, and whether you or your family member can expect the same care worker for the majority of the time.

8. How Will You Choose the Most Suitable Care Worker?

Does the agency have a history of looking after people with your specific health needs or condition? If you have Dementia, for instance, will you be assigned a care worker with experience in Dementia care? And if your care worker isn’t suitable, will you be able to request a different worker?

9. What Happens if My Care Worker is Delayed or Can’t Make it at Late Notice?

It’s also worth checking what their policies, procedures and standards are for a range of situations, including when a care worker is running late, or is unable to work due to illness or an emergency.

10. How Do You Manage Medical Emergencies?

Similarly, it is useful to know how the agency and its staff manages situations in which you or your family member may need urgent help.

11. How Can I Contact You During the Day, After Hours or in Emergency Situations?

You will want to know how to reach the agency, and how they will reach you. There should be open channels of communication, including after hours; you may request a specific point of contact, or outline preferred ways of communicating, i.e. in person, over the phone or online.

12. A Care Worker May Require a Key to Access My Home. How Will You Ensure This Key is Kept Safe?

Your general safety and wellbeing, and by extension the security of your home and belongings, should always be a top priority.

Book A Friendly Chat With Our Team

Since we were started in 2000, Aspire UK has become a leading provider of home care services in the Leicester and Leicestershire area. We have helped a wide range of clients with unique needs and preferences to maintain independence and feel safe and comfortable in their homes.

If you would like to learn more about our services, or have any questions for us, we would love to hear from you! Please give us a call or arrange a face-to-face consultation below.

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