
Motor Neurone Disease and How Home Care Can Help

Motor neurone disease is a neurological condition that affects nerves in the brain and spinal cord nerves because cells, called motor neurons, no longer work as they should. The degeneration of the motor neurons that occurs in this uncommon condition is not completely understood, nor do researchers know why it affects certain people, however, research is ongoing and progress is being made.  

motor neurone disease care at home

Motor neurone disease (MND), is a progressive condition, which means it gets worse as the degeneration intensifies. As a result, most people with the condition eventually require help in the home with daily activities. At Aspire UK, it is important to us that you or your loved one receives the high-quality care they deserve.  

Living with motor neurone disease can be a frightening and frustrating experience. Everyone wants to be able to live as independently as possible and do the things they love in life. Home care can help you to achieve this goal despite living with this progressive condition. Aspire UK provides compassionate and respectful care in your home to create a happy life for you and your family.  

What Is Motor Neurone Disease? 

In the UK, six people receive a Motor neurone disease diagnosis every day. MND is a degenerative neurological condition that can progress rapidly. Motor neurones are in charge of muscle-based activities such as swallowing, speaking, walking, and breathing. These nerves, which control movement, are attacked in MND.  

This means muscles stop functioning properly and these activities become difficult to perform. This can begin with weakness and muscle wastage, often leading on to paralysis and breathing difficulties. People with MND maintain their awareness as mental abilities and senses are not generally affected. The condition can affect adults at any time of their lives, but people in their sixties and seventies are generally those impacted. 

Currently, there is no cure for motor neurone disease. However, this doesn’t mean that people with MND cannot live a fulfilling life with the condition. Professor Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with MND at twenty-one years of age and went on to be a brilliant theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author with several children. Not everyone will draw upon both relativity theory and quantum mechanics to put forth a ground-breaking theory regarding exploding black holes, but there is hope to lead a fulfilling life.  

How Home Care Can Help Your Life With MND

A crucial factor in living well with motor neurone disease is receiving quality home care. This can allow you to stay in your home for as long as possible and can include practical help with activities of daily living, emotional support, and inclusion in social activities. 

Aspire UK will support you and give personalised care that suits the stage of the condition you are in and the symptoms you have. We provide bespoke and relevant live-in care services, ensuring you and your loved ones that you will be well taken care of. 

The Benefits Of Home Care for MND

Despite the progressive nature of motor neurone disease and the significant impact it can have on your quality of life, symptoms can be managed, and adaptations can be made. Home care can allow you to remain in your home, doing things you enjoy and need to do, knowing you will be safe and cared for. 

Dealing with a new diagnosis can feel overwhelming and daunting for you and your family. Receiving home care means that experienced carers can assist you to understand medical jargon, apply for financial assistance and legal advice, perform daily activities, such as getting dressed and continuing working, and help with house adaptions and aids.  

Home care can also help you to get out and about, be involved in activities you enjoy, visit people who care about, go on holidays, and undertake job interviews. 

Contact Aspire UK To Access High-Quality Home Care

Aspire UK provides high-quality, compassionate home care for clients with motor neurone disease across Leicester. Our trained and experience care team will help you enjoy life by helping to manage your symptoms and assist you with your specific needs and dreams.  

We also extend our care to your loved ones, helping to create a happy household and family life. We are passionate about supporting and caring for our clients and would love to meet you to discuss how we can help.


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