In many cases, families need a wake-up call – like a home accident, an injury or an illness – to hire a carer. However, it’s possible to anticipate your parent’s need for occasional or regular help. As your loved ones will very rarely ask for assistance themselves, look out for some of the signs listed below to help recognise that a home carer needs to get involved.

Lack of interest in hobbies, friends
It’s easy to find a seemingly reasonable excuse to stay at home all the times. If you notice that your parents give up some of the activities they have always liked to do, it might be a sign of depression. Be careful if you see that they stop meeting their peers in the neighbourhood, stop visiting events or clubs, and are suddenly not interested in anything.
Poor personal and home care
Seeing that your parents stay in pyjamas the whole day, wear the same clothes for days might be a sign of them needing assistance. The same applies if they don’t do the washing-up, their home is always messy, especially if this was not the case before. Reasons might include physical constraints, the lack of goals and inspiration, an early phase of dementia and it’s a good sign for you to act.
Gradually worsening mental and physical conditions
As mental and physical conditions change, elderly people gradually need more support with their daily life. Injuries caused by falling might be more frequent, or they could forget their medicines more often than earlier. Even if an elderly couple lives together, they are not necessarily in the conditions to be able to take care of each other. If you experience that more intense support is needed than you can afford to provide, don’t feel guilty if you ask for help.
In the above cases home caring is the perfect way for your loved ones to carry on with their lives in a familiar environment but still being regularly taken care of. Aspire UK’s home carers are always matched with the interest and hobbies of clients so that they can be an entertaining and caring company for them. When an elderly person can look forward to welcoming someone every day who listens to them and talks with them, their whole quality of life changes, recharging them with positive energy and giving you the peace of mind.
If you have noticed any of the above signs contact the Aspire UK team today to find out how we can help you with our home care services in Leicester and Leicestershire.