
Support for an Acquired Brain Injury – How Care at Home Can Help

Support for an Acquired Brain Injury – How Care at Home Can Help

acquired brain injury support

People caring for a family member with an acquired brain injury need practical support. The recovery process after such an injury can be immensely difficult and watching someone you love go through that is never going to be easy.

On top of that, an acquired brain injury can often see somebody suddenly in need of extra care and support in their day to day lives. Often, it’s too much pressure to take on this task alone – and that’s where care at home can become an extremely beneficial option for all involved.

This blog outlines what an acquired brain injury is how exactly care at home services can help the rehabilitation process, as well as ongoing support for life after injury. To learn more about care at home services, contact Aspire UK today.

What is an Acquired Brain Injury?

Acquired brain injury (ABI) refers to any form of brain damage that takes place after birth. It can include any damage as a result of trauma, infection, substance abuse, or anything else that is acquired, rather than a brain disorder somebody is born with.

An ABI will fall into one of two categories: sudden onset, caused by abrupt trauma such as strokes or blows to the head, or insidious onset, caused by prolonged issues such as drug and alcohol abuse or tumours.

An ABI can commonly be a result of diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, physical injury that involves harsh impact to the head, lack of oxygen, alcohol and drugs, or damage to brain tissue from a stroke.

Variations of Acquired Brain Injuries

Every single person who suffers from an acquired brain injury will have their own unique experience. It’s difficult to predict the long-term effects and health of somebody who experiences an ABI, and the subsequent symptoms can be anywhere from mild to debilitatingly severe. Here are some of the common symptoms people with an ABI may experience to varying levels of severity:

  • Mental and physical fatigue
  • Difficulty processing new information
  • Slowed problem solving and planning
  • Newfound physical limitations
  • Changes to sensory abilities
  • Difficulty learning or communicating
  • Significant changes to behaviour, personality, and emotional control

How Care At Home Can Help

The ultimate goal of at home care is to help service users feel a sense of normality. This can be difficult to find when life goes through such a significant change as an acquired brain injury, but our experienced care workers are dedicated to bringing a cherished sense of familiarity and independence to the lives of those they work with. Care workers focus on providing supported living and helping with rehabilitation.

In some circumstances, this means providing essential support to help service users continue working from home. This may include helping with mobility around the house, providing support for household chores and planning throughout the week, or even simply being emotional support throughout a tricky recovery.

However, at Aspire UK, our services aim to go above and beyond. We believe in helping service users who have experienced an ABI to enjoy the aspects of life they may be missing – helping them to enjoy a hobby, take up local activities, or get involved in playing a sport.

Benefits of Care at Home for Service Users with Acquired Brain Injuries

Recovering from an acquired brain injury is a long and ever-changing process. The benefit of care at home is that it can grow and change alongside your loved one. The relationship between a care worker and the service user they work with is a powerful one, as they are able to come to deeply understand one another and adapt the services on offer as required.

Care at home is a tailored option that allows for ongoing independence – and sometimes even just getting to be in the familiar comfort of home can mean the world to somebody going through health challenges.

Contact Aspire UK Today to Get Your Care at Home Questions Answered

Wondering whether care at home could be the right choice for your loved one? Watching somebody you care about go through something as devastating as an ABI can be difficult, and taking on the load of supporting and caring for them is a lot to take on to your plate.

At Aspire UK, our primary goal is to offer tailored, comprehensive support that rehabilitates service users and eases the stress on the family and friends who would otherwise be caring for them. To enquire about what our services could be offering you and your loved one, contact the Aspire UK team today.


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